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Funny Phrases That Sound Like Something Else

I love sharing jokes, funny quotes, and humorous sayings—anything to make people laugh.

Enjoy a hearty laugh over these funny quotes and sayings!

Enjoy a hearty laugh over these funny quotes and sayings!

Enjoy. I hope these may brighten up someone's day!

  1. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
  2. "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." —Mark Twain
  3. The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
  4. "One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." —George W. Bush
  5. Always remember: you're unique, just like everyone else.
  6. The road to success is always under construction.
  7. Where there is a "will," there are 500 relatives.
  8. Wear short sleeves. Support your right to bare arms!
  9. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
  10. Join The Army. Visit exotic places, meet strange people, then kill them.
  11. I poured spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.
  12. Death is hereditary.
  13. When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.
  14. Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
  15. If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
  16. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
  17. I stopped fighting my inner demons, we're on the same side now.
  18. Well-behaved women rarely make history.
  19. I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
  20. He who laughs last, didn't get it.
  21. We live in an age where pizza gets to your home before the police.
  22. I'm an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.
  23. Cheese . . . milk's leap toward immortality.
  24. You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax. Tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough.
  25. He's so optimistic he'd buy a burial suit with two pairs of pants.
  26. Half of the people in the world are below average.
  27. I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.
  28. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
  29. It is not my fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!
  30. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "Y" becomes silent.
  31. Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
  32. USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population.
  33. Constipated people don't give a crap.
  34. Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut save you 30 cents?
  35. My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.
  36. Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
  37. A word to the wise ain't necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice.
  38. Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.
  39. Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.
  40. Ham and eggs—a day's work for a chicken; a lifetime commitment for a pig.
  41. I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.
  42. When it comes to thought, some people stop at nothing.
  43. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
  44. If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?
  45. I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
  46. If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
  47. You couldn't get a clue during the clue-mating season in a field full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance.
  48. It is a damned poor mind indeed that can't think of at least two ways of spelling any word.
  49. In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
  50. Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home.
  51. Horse sense is a good judgment which keeps horses from betting on people.
  52. I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either.
  53. Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, age don't matter.
  54. Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.
  55. Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
  56. The sex was so good that even the neighbors had a cigarette.
  57. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
  58. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  59. I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
  60. Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep.
  61. I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather . . . not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.
  62. We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
  63. The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
  64. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
  65. I got a gun for my wife—best trade I've ever made.
  66. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
  67. To all you virgins, thanks for nothing.
  68. Beauty is a light switch away . . .
  69. The evening news is where they start by saying "good evening," and proceed by telling you why it's not.
  70. There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and those who can't.
  71. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, find the person that life handed vodka to, and have a party.
  72. if Barbie is so popular then why do we buy her friends and boyfriends?
  73. God created the world, everything else is made in China.
  74. Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you'll be a mile from them, and you'll have their shoes.
  75. Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
  76. Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
  77. Those who throw dirt only lose ground.
  78. You never truly understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
  79. Error. No keyboard. Press F1 to continue.
  80. Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
  81. Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest.
  82. hey occifer i swear to drunk im not as god as you think i am.
  83. This sentence is a lie.
  84. Men are like parking stalls. All the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped!
  85. Change is good, but dollars are better.
  86. How is it that "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?
  87. 1492: Native Americans discover Columbus lost at sea.
  88. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and the world laughs harder.
  89. Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.
  90. Solution to two of the world's problem: feed the homeless to the hungry.
  91. You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because I just farted!
  92. Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door!
  93. Silence is golden, but duck tape is silver.
  94. When life gives you melons . . . you might be dyslexic.
  95. There's no 'I' in team, but there is in 'win.'
  96. Those who criticize our generation seem to forget who raised it!
  97. Man who goes to bed with an itchy butt . . . wakes up with a stinky finger!
  98. Children in the back seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat cause children!
  99. The only good thing about going bra-less at my age is that it pulls the wrinkles right out of my face.
  100. How do you know when you are too drunk to drive? When you swerve to miss a tree . . . and then realize it was your air-freshener.
Hopefully these sayings brightened your day!

Hopefully these sayings brightened your day!

Ariana Grande on July 27, 2020:

I was was looking for a great thing to be in my music and these are perfect!

stokshowgirl10 on April 22, 2020:

thes are the funnest qouts!!! :) LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

JazzyD on April 13, 2020:

Got a good laugh from these, thanks!

10 yr old on April 02, 2020:

Hiiiiiiii I'm just looking for some funny things to say sometimes anyway I luv these one good job lol

Enas Odeh on February 20, 2020:

Wonderful,exquisit and impressive.

Ranger x on January 26, 2020:

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Read More From Holidappy


Hassan on January 06, 2020:

Stolen weed, its a crime indeed

Hi on September 20, 2019:

Why is there no weponized autism

Coreen Kerr on October 11, 2018:

I do "Funny of the Day" for one of the forums I belong to & everyone is getting a chuckle from your hilarious funnies. Thanks for posting them.

Take care C.

chris on September 02, 2018:


hilary on March 20, 2018:

good quotes

You need to be more funny on February 03, 2018:

Good but not that good be amazing much more funny and cool things for kid and adults I read these yo myself I couldn't even laugh not even flinch not even a bit

Valerye on January 01, 2018:

Wow. Good quotes... Thx.

Hermina on June 19, 2017:

Super quotes...

Manish Sinha on May 20, 2017:

Really a verbal treat

MEROUANE ELHATIMY from Fes on March 28, 2017:

A good hub

Annayak on December 05, 2016:

Thanks for the laughs

Anisuvi on January 02, 2016:

It was stupid as vel as funny.

It really made my day cool.

And i lvd it.........

shreya on September 09, 2015:

Thanxxxxxxxx a lot.... i really enjoyed it.

Dennis the menace on April 10, 2015:

Quite an awsome hub you've got here...totally made my night

Taylor on February 03, 2015:

That is awesome but stupid

dragniss on January 16, 2015:

That's not to bad and not happy .

Mayrom on June 02, 2014:

Stupid !

steve on April 22, 2014:


Bill has 29 candy bars, He eats 23 what does Bill have?

Diabetes, Bill has Diabetes

Anonymous on February 09, 2014:


Anonymousman on December 24, 2013:

Absolutely hilarious made my day or should I say night

john on October 07, 2013:

awful awful stuff

icedmocha34 on September 22, 2013:

so funny!!! I posted the link to your site on my blog!

RoyB on June 09, 2013:

I am writing a Book about "Reverse Psychology" - but I hope people don't but it!

zvtecizivn on May 12, 2013:

You can increase your blog visitors by having a fan page on facebook.~':~'

Heidi Carter on April 28, 2013:

If I've said soneting to upset you, I'm sorry to you ! If what I said was true,you should be sorry too . . .

geraldhakks on April 28, 2013:

Money won't buy you happiness, but the lack of money sure is miserable.

Jason on April 21, 2013:

My only criticism is it is Duct tape not Duck :) I only learnt that recently

Robert on April 04, 2013:

Never answered: Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets ?

sarjay on January 17, 2013:

me too..

sammycat123 on January 10, 2013:

i love ur webzite i think its great i especialy like"ham and eggs- a days work for a chicken; a lifetime of commitment for a pig" so true lol. and to all u losers who dont like this page y would u even look up this stuff its all relativly the same. and thanks again fresh2def05 for a great read :D

Frits on January 02, 2013:

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on December 11, 2012:

Neither one ;)

Monish Chand on December 11, 2012:

Is this stupit or am i cool ??

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on November 19, 2012:


I'm very glad you enjoyed these funny sayings. Their will be more to come very soon. Stay tuned and be prepared to laugh.

Michelle Liew from Singapore on November 19, 2012:

This list rocks. I love each quote, especially numbers 3 and 7. I was laughing away!! Thanks for making my evening!! Sharing!

Shining Irish Eyes from Upstate, New York on November 08, 2012:

"You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax, tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough." Great selections and you have a twisted and wicked sense of humor. We are kindred souls.

Helpful hint - Never mix sleeping pills with laxatives.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on October 19, 2012:


Lol..that's very funny. Thanks for sharing!

opie on October 17, 2012:

I observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed and verified it using radar. I proceeded to make the traffic stop. When we came to a stop the driver says he was following the flow of traffic and that I should have pulled the other car over instead. I advised him that wasn't possible because I couldn't catch that person and that he made it so much easier for me because he had pulled over.

shabab on October 15, 2012:


ammm on September 28, 2012:


fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on September 27, 2012:


Glad to hear you enjoyed these short funny quotes! I will be publishing more funny holiday sayings and picture sayings in the near future. Stay tuned!

terribear on September 27, 2012:

very funny sayings I enjoyed them very well I laughed at a couple of

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on September 26, 2012:

Thanks for the comment Lexilove. I didn't find your comment very funny but it did make me smile a bit so I guess that's what counts.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on September 13, 2012:

Thx Bob. Glad you enjoyed.

bob on September 13, 2012:

this is so funny

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on August 30, 2012:

Thanks suziecat7! Thanks alot!

suziecat7 from Asheville, NC on August 19, 2012:

Great list - enjoyed so many of them - thanks.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on August 11, 2012:

Thanks Fiddleman! If you liked these funny quotes and sayings, you should check out my hub on funny inspirational quotes and sayings. I'm sure you'll like them as well. Thanks again.

Fiddleman on August 11, 2012:

Great hub! thanks for sharing these, I liked all the quotes, funny, yes indeed, also a l;ot of wisdom and truth.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on July 21, 2012:


Yes that is one of my favorites as well. Thanks a million for reading. And thank everyone else who read this hub. Im glad you enjoyed.

bnv on July 21, 2012:

funny dough!!

philip lee hewitson from Detroit, Michigan, USA on July 15, 2012:

Very funny hub "Constipated People Don't Give A crap." I need to use this in every day life at some point.

peter on July 12, 2012:

wow nyc at most annoying times

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on July 12, 2012:

Hi. Thanks for reading and i am very glad to hear that you enjoyed my hubs. I dont think I have received your messages. Just in case, here is my email address. I am looking forward to your messages. Thanks again for your interest in my work.

Ryguy87 on July 11, 2012:

This page is great i have been trying to email you about this and some other pages you have written. not sure if you got any of them bu hope you did. please if you can email back on here ( check your messages) i would appreciate it thanks .

fykon on July 11, 2012:

Verry verry funny... i like them

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on July 06, 2012:

very glad u enjoyed them. Thx for reading.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on June 27, 2012:

For all those who enjoyed these quotes, well, that was the point of making this hub and I'm very glad you enjoyed them. For those of you who didn't enjoy them, all I can say is sorry, time to move on.

jlittlestorm on June 26, 2012:

Shelia, if your going to admit your age, I suggest writing in a more age appropriate fashion. "Dis is da boring stuff I've ever read in my whole life ..." Come on Sista, you sound "special" the kind of "special" that likes to lick the windows. Your not 15 and competing with High School students. Presumebly, you're a grown woman, and this style of writing is not cute, not on you at least. Take it off and return it promptly....

Yolanda on June 26, 2012:

U've just brighten up my dae

Naomi beck yoooo on June 19, 2012:

Mate i only liked the bottom one? Bore begg

Ak on June 19, 2012:

Yo nice guyz!

jo on June 10, 2012:

Not funny

Abby on June 08, 2012:

When life gives you lemons make orange juice, then leave the world wondering how you did it. x

Katelyn on May 29, 2012:

How funny!

jess on May 29, 2012:

Excellent fun to read x

Pascal on May 27, 2012:

I have joy with dis

Usman on May 22, 2012:

Its interestn

Akuto on May 22, 2012:

Iove them there awesome yah!!!!:):):) :D

Dar on May 22, 2012:

This brighten my day!!!!

Jjhbhnhbh on May 21, 2012:

Those are crazy w

amanyire darius exc on March 03, 2012:

really cul..

icountthetimes on January 24, 2012:

Thanks for the laugh. Some of these are classic :).

cheerfulnuts from Manila, Philippines on August 13, 2011:

fresh2def05, this is funny! I love it.:) Voted up.

fresh2def05 (author) from Louisville, Ky on December 01, 2010:


Thanks and glad they brightened up your day.

Pat Sims on December 01, 2010:

Reading these Funny Sayings, Quotes and Phrases first thing in the morning made my day.
